a time for solidarity
Be sent and care for your neighbors, this week especially. Maybe you can save an at-risk neighbor a trip to the grocery store or call those who might be lonely in this time of social distancing. Find ways to care for hourly wage workers or to provide childcare for single parents, especially if schools are cancelled. Check in with each other! Consider monetary donations to organizations caring for those most vulnerable (like SIHAF and 180Place). Find ways to show grace as events and programs are cancelled. Consider the broader implications behind cancelled soccer tournaments, ballet performances, and concerts and find ways to support your local rec center, small businesses, and venues so that support staff don’t end up losing their paychecks or hourly wages because of these cancelled programs. Is it possible to forgo the claim to a refund and view it as a donation or request that the funds be directed to staff? May we resist fighting for oneself and instead practice solidarity.
As Christians, let’s find ways to shoulder the impact, maybe even share the loss together to lessen the impact of struggle. It’s impossible to estimate the full impact of this pandemic and the needs that will arise, but for now we can step out in faith and do what we can to “flatten the curve” through grace and sacrifice. As Christians, we must encourage each other to recognize the sacrifices we might be called to make. Let’s do what we can to protect the most vulnerable among us.