Second Presbyterian

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Commitment Sunday

Sunday morning worship at 10:30 a.m.

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SERMON SNAPSHOT: Sunday, November 17, 2024

Dear Friends in Jesus –

A few years ago I found myself swept up in a cultural ‘moment’. It seemed that a kid from Canada was taking pop music by storm. He wrote lyrics that weren’t filled with expletives. He wrote music that was singable. He wasn’t old enough to shave, but he made my daughter’s girlfriends in the fourth grade squeal. So when the biopic of his journey from the streets of western Canada to a sold out gig/coronation as teenage pop icon at Madison Square Garden came out, I took my daughter and her friends.

When the other parents asked who was going to take them, I said “me.” Almost to a person they couldn’t believe that I would take the time, endure the screams, wrangle the gaggle of fourth grade girls. They didn’t know I was a ‘belieber’! I was a fan!

Well, now you may ask Justin who? He who said, "You're able to do whatever you set your mind to as long as you remember to keep God first and stay grounded,” is no longer on the charts, but often in the tabloids.

This Sunday we gather to worship and to offer our commitment to Jesus and the work we are called to do/ that we get to do through the Second Presbyterian Church for the dynamic, inclusive realm of God!

Last week the question was not, ”do you believe in God?”, but “do you believe God?" as through scripture the faithfulness, the constancy, the courage, the power of love is revealed and made manifest?

See you in worship.

In great anticipation –

(I’m a Believer!)

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