Come and See 2020
SERMON SNAPSHOT: Sunday, January 19, 2020
Dear Friends in Christ –
In the middle of the last century forces converged to enable a Kairos moment – a critical juncture, a divine appointment in time, an intervention. It took global forces. It was accomplished by non-violence by individuals who were courageous and called.
Martin Luther King, Jr. would be 91 years old had he lived. Monday will be the day set aside by the nation to honor his legacy and to summon us back to the continuing work of living out the scripture mandate to love all people.
Let’s set aside continuing wars and the stench of partisan political rancor.
Let’s gather to hear of God’s call to Samuel and of Christ’s invitation by the Galilee to Peter and Andrew. Let's explore how we too are summoned by the Ashley for this critical juncture in our lives and our lives together.
I hope to see you in worship -
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1-19-20- "Come and See 2020" - Rev. Cress Darwin