An Evening Honoring the Legacy of Denmark Vesey

An Evening Honoring the Legacy of Denmark Vesey

June 25 at 6:00 p.m. in the sanctuary

Presented by Second Presbyterian Church in partnership with the Charleston Gospel Choir

Second Presbyterian Church and Charleston Gospel Choir will honor the legacy of Denmark Vesey with an event featuring special narration and music provided by the Charleston Gospel Choir on June 25th at 6:00 p.m. in the sanctuary.

This event is free and open to the public and will pay homage to the extraordinary 200-year legacy and life of Denmark Vesey, a self-educated Black man who planned the most extensive slave rebellion in U.S. history in Charleston, 1822. The Charleston Gospel Choir will perform moving spirituals and gospel standards including “Lawd, How Come Me Heah,” “Heaven Help Us All,” and “To Be Young Gifted and Black.”

In a city-wide collaboration, Second Presbyterian Church, IAAM, the Gaillard, and Mother Emanuel A.M.E. are engaging the narrative of Denmark Vesey with events throughout June and July.

Faith and Climate Change Event

The Interfaith Speaker Series Keynote Address “The Integration of Ecospirituality and Ecojustice”

Second Presbyterian Church

Thursday, March 3 at 6:30 p.m.

Drs. Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim, senior Lecturers and Research Scholars at Yale University and co-directors of the Forum on Religion, will focus on the intersections of religion and the environmental crisis.

The call for environmental justice for communities adversely affected by pollution and climate change is rising. At the same time ecospirituality is showing us how we are part of a living Earth community. This talk explores these growing movements in religion and ecology.

A light meal will be offered following the keynote by Ragina Scott Saunders, Soul Food Chef and founder of Destiny Community Café. Registration is required.

Piccolo Spoleto

spoleto spotlight 2021.jpg

Second Presbyterian Church is looking forward to hosting a few Piccolo Spoleto Spotlight performances again as well as The Sandwich Stop this year in conjunction with the first weekend of the Piccolo Spoleto Craft Show.


Second Presbyterian will host several concerts in the Spotlight series:

  • Friday, May 28, 6pm on the portico

    • Hello Sax! Jonathan Kammer, saxophone quartet. Also Taylor Festival Choir professional a capella choral ensemble.

  • Saturday, May 29, 6pm in the sanctuary

    • Charleston Academy of Music Faculty:  Abigail Kent, harp solo;  Violin, cello and piano trio

    • New Muse ensemble, Lydia Chernicoff, violin

    • Charleston Symphony Orchestra string quartet

  • Sunday, May 30, 3pm in the sanctuary

    • Steve Rosenberg and Friends Renaissance and Baroque music

Margaret Fleming's Service of Ordination

Second Presbyterian is honored to host a service of ordination for Margaret Fleming tomorrow afternoon. The Charleston Atlantic Presbytery will conduct the service in our sanctuary on Sunday, April 18 at 4:00 p.m. and you are invited.

Margaret has been a member of Second Presbyterian Church since 2017. She resides in Mt. Pleasant with her husband Will, a fourth-year medical student at MUSC. She is a candidate for ordination to the office of Word and Sacrament to serve in the Ordered Ministry of Chaplaincy. Margaret is currently serving as a Chaplain Resident at Roper Hospital.