We serve a generous God and we are pleased to offer a variety of ways to support our church and community through online giving. Realm® offers new and easy ways to give financially to support our ministries.
Whether you want to set up a recurring gift or split your donation among different funds, Realm® makes it safe and secure to give online. We hope you take advantage of this convenience.
Please note the following ways you may present your tithes and offerings:
Make your donation through our easy and secure online system, Realm®. You can also text the message 2ndpc to the number 73256 to give.
Tithes and offerings are welcome in the offering plate during church on Sundays at 10:30 a.m.
Second Presbyterian Church, 342 Meeting Street, Charleston, SC 29403
We are blessed by your faithful commitment to God's work at Second. If you have questions about giving, please contact the church office.
Please consider giving cheerfully and generously, whether in person, online, or by mail.
Our children and youth will help raise funds on Super Bowl Sunday, Feb. 9th to support our ongoing 4th Sunday Suppers with the Navigation Center. For over 30 years, the Souper Bowl of Caring movement has been empowering youth and inspiring people across the nation to tackle hunger in their local communities.
Donate via the GIVE button above (choose “Souper Bowl Sunday”), place your donation in the offering plate on Sunday, or deliver it to the church office.
MONTHLY GOSPEL MUSIC - The Charleston Gospel Choir and Second have partnered to honor the hymnody and creative expressions of faith offered through this meaningful music tradition with monthly Gospel Sundays during church at 10:30 a.m. on the fourth Sunday of each month. Please give to support further Gospel music programming at Second.
WYLLY FUND - Established initially by Kate Stanton, contributions to the Wylly fund provide honoraria for guest instrumentalists in the service.
Donate via the GIVE button above (choose “Gospel Music Fund” or “Wylly Fund”), place your donation in the offering plate on Sunday, or deliver it to the church office.
Set up your automatic giving account
Setting up automatic giving is quick and easy- and allows you to give in the future with just a click or text!
Our online giving system, Realm offers easy ways to financially support our ministries. Whether you want to set up a recurring gift or split your donation among different funds, Realm makes it safe and secure to give online. We hope you take advantage of this convenience.
To celebrate the addition of the new Glory to God hymnals, we are looking to continue the tradition of memorializing pew hymnals. If you would like to have a hymnal memorialized, please fill out the form and submit with a $20 donation via the GIVE button above (choose Hymnal Income from the drop down ‘fund’ options), in the offering plate, or deliver to the church office.
Donations collected for hymnal memorials will be used to purchase additional hymnals.