Young Adults
Whether you’ve just entered the work world, are recently married, or starting a family, Second Church is an amazing place to put down roots. The community of young adults is growing faster than any other generation here and they are passionate for Jesus Christ. Come be a part of helping to build this new and exciting dimension of our Second family.
Sundays look a little different during a pandemic! There is no in-person Christian Education on Sundays like usual, but families meet Sunday mornings on Zoom at 9:00 a.m. for half an hour of fellowship, devotionals, and crafts (starting back on January 31, 2021). Bring your coffee and sit down as a family to catch up with and get to know other families at church.
There are midweek small group opportunities. A Women’s Podcast Group meets Wednesdays at 8:00 p.m. Mixed Adult Bible Study Group meets Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. starting with “Expanding the Narrative: Women & the Reformation.” A Men’s Morning Bible Study meets at 6:00 a.m. on Fridays. These groups are all offered via Zoom, with some opportunities to meet in person when possible. Sign up for more information or email Jordyn to get connected.
Monthly & Quarterly Events
As soon as COVID numbers decline we look forward to safely offering monthly and quarterly opportunities again for young adult fellowship too. From bonfires to beach days, this group of young adults and parents meets around town and in each other’s homes as a time of community and fellowship. Young adult gatherings will resume as soon as it’s safe to gather again. Find out more about upcoming events here.
Please reach out to Jordyn for more information.