Sundays at 10:30 a.m.
Second Presbyterian Church is a congregation with members from every walk of life, different generations, diverse backgrounds and cultures, all united by the love and grace of Jesus Christ and our desire to glorify and enjoy God. One way we express our unity and the continuity of Christ’s Church is through our traditional worship service, which is held each Sunday at 10:30 a.m. This service is rooted in Reformed principles of worship which have guided Presbyterians and other Reformed churches for centuries, while it still seeks to inspire true worship which is fresh, vital, and joyful.
If you’re looking for a church where your doubts are respected and your questions taken seriously, where you are encouraged to participate and where you can make a difference, consider Second Church - brimming with life, community and outreach in response to the love and grace of God. You will find an historic congregation known for its friendliness, inclusivity, and heart for service to all God’s people.
This Service is guided by several ideals:
We are Christ-centered
We are Covenental
We are Traditional
We seek to be Scriptural
We are Participatory
We are Reverent
We are Joyful
We seek Excellence
Communion is on the first Sunday of each month. Children are encouraged to walk through the communion process with their families and, since all baptized believers are welcome at the table, your child can receive communion too.
The nursery is available for little ones, but we ask that those who can to please start out in the service to join us in worship until Children's Time, after which children 5th grade and under are welcome to Children’s Chapel.