Palm Sunday: Sustenance for these pandemic days
This is Communion Sunday, please prepare bread or crackers and juice or wine so that you are ready to take part in communion.
SERMON SNAPSHOT: Sunday, April 5, 2020
Dear Friends in Christ –
Well, for this Sunday, the lectionary offers two texts: the account of Christ’s entry into Jerusalem fulfilling the scriptures or the narrative of his passion. The dilemma is this: shall I emphasize the seeming joy and celebration with which the crowds welcome Jesus into Jerusalem? Or dangle a shoe about to drop in the days as Jesus is betrayed, arrested, (deserted by his closest) to be tried, beaten and crucified?
Palm Sunday celebration? Or Holy week Passion?
The biblical witness of these events of 2000 years ago speak in tandem. And the living word as it was lived then instructs us for the living of today.
Join us Sunday online at 10:30 a.m. We’ll engage the texts again in light of these days and I guarantee we’ll discover the courage, the resolve, the humility of the one we proclaim as Savior.
This Sunday we celebrate communion. Have before you elements that are handy – juice, wine, fresh bread, or crackers. We’ll share them together and they will become the body broken and the blood shed in the mystery of the words spoken by our Christ.
Sustenance for these pandemic days.
Stay home, keep distance, trust God – and wash your hands:)
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4-5-20 - Palm Sunday - Rev. Cress Darwin