Second Presbyterian

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A Summer Update

Dear Friends in Christ – 

I’m writing this morning to bring you up to speed on a couple of things important to our community and work. 

First, Sarah Craven, our DCE has taken a teaching position closer to her home. She writes:

In her year with us, Sarah has been instrumental in reestablishing our Sunday School, promoting small groups and building community. Join me in expressing our gratitude and wishing her and her family the best. 

We are excited to continue growing in the ways God is leading us here at Second, in this particular place at this particular time. As we prepare our search for a DCE with a focus on children and youth, we are developing plans to engage the whole congregation in such a way that will meet needs during this time of COVID as well as grow community and disciples. Good things are ahead!

Next, I want to share with you the report that was given to Session from Russell Smith, our Contractor, regarding the substantial progress in the repair of fire damage and restoration of the tower. 

Find to full update on the progress of the lightning strike and masonry repairs here.

Second Church Family, we recognize these are challenging times, as are most it seems, but we are favored to face them without fear and in anticipation as we observe the movement and follow the guiding of God’s Spirit.   
With joy in being your pastor,