Due to technical difficulties, this week's church service was posted late. Thank you for your understanding. Scroll down for the sermon notes.
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Pastor Cress of Second Presbyterian Church in Charleston, SC delivers a message for the week of August 9.
Have questions? You are encouraged to ask questions for a mid-week sermon discussion post. Yes, we really want you to ask questions!
SERMON SNAPSHOT: Sunday, August 9, 2020
Dear Friends in Christ –
“Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters…And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”
These words are the first and the last phrases of our scripture this coming Sunday, which is read this week by the Ketterings (Brigitte, Paul, James, and Maisie).
Last week the author of the Letter to the Hebrews offered encouragement to those with drooping arms and stumbling feet, those who straggled or dawdled. This week we are exhorted though his rallying remarks to ‘Keep on!’
In the 12th chapter the exhortation was to finish the race, cheered by ‘a cloud of witnesses’ that we might ’enter the heavenly city’. This Sunday morning we’re given specifics – a series of ‘to dos’ that our actions might be not just pleasing in these times, but purposeful and effective and Godly.
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”
We aren’t. The days we are given aren’t. The issues we face aren’t… the same, so our hope is in the One whose love is.
Let us cleave to Jesus. Let’s come to know and serve each other – and with each other let us know and serve those who are dearest to God’s heart.
We need each other. We need God’s word. Invite those whom you love and those you don’t to worship this Sunday.
Interested in becoming a member of Second Presbyterian? Email Cress for more information.
Volunteer opportunities can be found here →
The City has reached out asking for volunteer drivers to help care for our neighbors without housing right now. A volunteer driver is needed for each day of the week for both available options. Please consider volunteering. Contact Christopher Jardin at jardinc@charleston-sc.gov or 843.607.8570 for more information.
This year, Second Presbyterian Church will support a contactless distribution of Hands of Christ, supporting downtown/peninsula elementary and middle school students, after school resumes for the 2020-2021 year. We’ll need volunteers to help arrange for delivery at area schools as well as picking up bagged orders of school clothing and supplies at Westminster Church in West Ashley and delivering the bags to area schools. Please sign up if you are interested in helping. Thank you!
Sign up to volunteer here→
Find out more here →
For the last three months, the COVID-19 pandemic has provided the opportunity for us to look more deeply at the future of international medical missions. And as Yogi would say – that future looks much different today than it ever has before.
Medical Missions Live continues its all-star lineup in July with more highly respected missions leaders that you won’t want to miss.
Life is different and can often be described as “upside-down.” My heart goes out to everyone because I know that few have ever experienced shortages, confinement, and a feeling of not being in control. After having spent decades in some of the most impoverished countries where everything is in short supply – especially medicines and good health – I know that life is challenging. We can, however, come through this; hopefully, stronger in faith and more aware of our global neighbors.
I stay in touch with my South Sudanese worshipping community, friends, colleagues and neighbors. They have had much concern for all of us here and are following the news very closely. More importantly, they are praying for everyone. Let us continue to pray for each other and those beyond our borders.
MUSC's Psychiatry Unit has reached out offering ways to help pregnant women and new moms right here in Charleston. They are collecting donations for the women in our community to help with mental health care, child care and provide support for young child education.
Find out specific ways to help here. →
One80 Place is in need of volunteers! If you are healthy and able, please sign up and help serve those who need us most right now!
Sign up here: one80place.volunteerhub.com/
Or donate to meet their "need of the week".
Wish list: one80place.org/wish-list/
Find it on Amazon: bit.ly/Wish-List-One80
Find it at Walmart: bit.ly/2NSDx7O
Get to know our new members!
We have decided to delay our tag sale (yard, garage sale), till the end of September or October because of the virus. I now go around my house picking up nicknacks, and saying "bye- bye" I am decluttering. I look in closets and drawers and say to my clothes, "I haven't worn you in a year, so I guess I don't need you "bye-bye". Now I have a few piles and bags for the tag sale. So go around your house, garage, basement, and attic before time goes by and it's too late. I will need volunteers at the beginning of September to help me organize and price things. I will also need volunteers to spread the word, make posters/flyers to post at the college, stores, and churches and to put an ad in the paper. Please call and let me know if you can help out.
Thanks so much,
Dawn McCready
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance is in contact with partners affected by Hurricane Isaias PDA and partners in Lebanon to offer assistance after receiving news of the explosion in Beirut. Please join us in praying for the affected communities.
To support PDA’s response, designate gifts to DR000139. bit.ly/DR000139
SUPPORT YOUR CHURCH WHILE YOU PRACTICE SOCIAL DISTANCING! Many of us are ordering online right now and you can support Second Pres any time you shop on Amazon! Choose to support “Second Presbyterian Church” at smile.amazon.com and Amazon will automatically donate to Second Presbyterian with each purchase you make. Remember to check out and place your final order via smile.amazon.com (and not the app) each time you shop to activate the donations.
The bell tower was struck by lightning the afternoon of Sunday, April 19, 2020. The Steeple Fund campaign for the current renovation continues and, considering the damage from the fire, the need to raise money is now even greater.
Help us bring the Second Church tower back to its former glory, so it can continue to be a beacon for Charleston. Donate today to the Steeple Fund.
Bell tower progress updates (and lots of photos) can be found here.
Please text the number 81010 with the message '@2pcchurch' to sign up for church text messages so that you are made aware of pertinent announcements and church-related news. If you didn't receive a text this week regarding the fire, then you aren't yet signed up! Please take a moment to sign up right now so that you're connected in the future. Please contact Jordyn if you need help signing up.