Sunday, November 17, 2019



Dear Friends in Christ –

“Brothers and sisters, do not be weary in doing what is right.” – II Thessalonians 3:13

This is the last phrase in our text for this Sunday. It couldn’t come at a better time in the life of our country and in the life of our church.  Many forces attack the Body of Christ. Paul identifies some in our text – meddling, gossiping, entitlement, busyness, burn out, misplaced priorities. But none more sinister than God’s people abandoning our charge, surrendering our privilege to work for God’s realm, therefore denying ourselves the joy the obedient know. 

These attacks we see in scripture and we experience in real life may appear in broad strokes, but it comes down, always comes down to the personal, the individual, the peoples (to use an Old Testament term) that comprise Christ’s body.

The first reading from the prophet Isaiah speaks to the future when ‘the wolf and the lamb shall feed together.’ We ain’t there. 

Folks, this Sunday is going to be terrific as the trumpet sounds, the word is proclaimed, we bring our commitments forward. And afterward we get a glimpse of many, but not all of the opportunities for fellowship, discipleship and service. A real glimpse of what we get to do in the name and for the love of Jesus. 

Invite your friends, your colleagues. Invite especially those with whom you may have amends to make. Share the wondrous things being done through Second Church – through you. 

With great joy in being your pastor (and great anticipation) –




Hear our Children’s Choir sing:

Source: sermons