Wait for the Lord; Be strong, and let your heart take courage. Wait for the Lord!
Psalm 27:14
The liturgical year provides a rhythm to our lives. The different seasons help us to focus or refocus so we might be able to be fully present to each moment, sensing where God is at work in our lives, the world, and what God might be calling us to do. The season of Advent is an invitation to live into the beautifully uncomfortable tensions as we wait for the Lord. We sit in the tension of what has already happened: God breaking through into our world in the humblest of ways, a human baby, and we live into the present where we proclaim and trust that God is with us here and now, even as we anticipate, hope, and wait for Jesus to come again.
The refrain “wait for the Lord” continued to crop up as I prepared for this season’s devotion. It particularly jumped out at me as I read Psalm 27:14: “Wait for the Lord; Be strong, and let your heart take courage. Wait for the Lord!”
I found in the footnotes of my Harper Collins Study Bible scholar Patrick Miller explain that to “wait for the Lord means to expect the Lord’s deliverance.” We are a people of hope, we wait on the Lord, expecting, trusting, daring to believe and daring to hope that God has acted, does act, and will continue to act. For God is a God of action; a God of deliverance.
As we journey through this season of Advent together in hopeful anticipation, may we go as a people of bold hope; hope in a loving, faithful, and gracious God who has acted, who is acting, and who will continue to act. For Christ has died, Christ has risen, Christ will surely come again. For now, let us wait on the Lord.
If you are signed up, each Monday you will receive an email with the Advent devotion for the week, and I plan to expand on each of the four Advent themes and weekly devotions on my personal blog, theversatilegirl.com. I would love for you to follow along.
Grace and Peace,
The Rev. Margaret Fleming and Ken Carrington, our Director of Children and Youth, discuss their memories of Advent and what they are looking forward to in this season of hopeful anticipation.