
The purpose of the Second Presbyterian Missions Committee is to provide support beyond the walls of the Church, meeting local, national and global organizations at their point of need and inviting them into a dynamic relationship with Christ. Our goal is to reach people at all ages and stages in their journey with Christ, both in the Church and with the organizations we support.

Missions work is grounded in scripture. Matthew 25:35-36 recounts: “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat; I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink; I was a stranger and you invited me in; I needed clothes and you clothed me; I was sick and you looked after me; I was in prison and you came to visit me.”

We host an annual Tea Room in conjunction with Spoleto as a fundraising event to benefit our Missions program. These Tea Room weekends bring the congregation together in service and is well attended by people from all over the lowcountry and the state. 

Second Presbyterian Missions directly supports the following organizations and activities:

  • Coastal Crisis Chaplaincy: providing chaplain care in local emergencies

  • Hands of Christ: offering uniforms and school supplies to local elementary students

  • Medical Benevolence Foundation: medical missions in Haiti, Congo, etc.

  • Presbyterian Mission Agency (PCUSA) and Presbyterian Disaster Assistance: trained volunteers work with locals around the country and world to meet needs

  • Sea Island Hunger Awareness Foundation: offering food on Johns and Wadmalaw Islands

  • The Shaw Center: after school events at this City of Charleston recreation center

  • Star Gospel Mission: providing transitional housing to men in Charleston

  • Tywanza Sanders Legacy Foundation: giving youth opportunities to pursue their education and entrepreneurial dreams.

  • Water Mission: providing safe drinking water in many countries

  • Water Wellness Mission: building new wells on Johns and Wadmalaw Islands

  • We are especially pleased to support our missionaries, Sonia and Steve Dettweiler, who have been working in Nigeria for many years

Second Presbyterian is also a connected church, partnering with other churches in the Presbyterian Church (U. S. A.) in world-wide mission. Of all the ways we come together, the Special Offerings represent the single, largest collective effort of Presbyterians to create positive impact and share God's grace and love. There are four denomination-wide special offerings. The One Great Hour of Sharing, given at Easter, goes to relieve hunger, disaster, and poverty.  The Pentecost offering supports young people by nurturing their faith, ideas, and unique gifts which they then share with the church and the world. 40% of the offering remained with our congregation to use for children and youth programs. The Peace and Global Witness offering supports ministries of reconciliation and peace. 25% was retained by the congregation to invest in the Tywanza Sanders Legacy Foundation. The Christmas Joy offering, celebrates the gift of church leaders, past, present, and future. Half of the offering goes to the Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions, giving critical financial assistance for current and retired Presbyterian ministers, missionaries, and other church workers in their time of need. The other half goes to leadership development programs in Presbyterian-related schools and colleges.

Second partners with other Presbyterian churches in the state for two other special offerings. On Mothers' Day we remember Presbyterian Communities residents in need. More information at prescommunities.org. What used to be called Thornwell Home for Children, which took in orphans and other children whose families were unable to care for them, is now a major provider in state-wide service to families in crisis, offering counseling and parenting training, as well as their residential and foster programs.

In 2015, Second Presbyterian became the downtown distribution center for Hands of Christ, whose mission is to bring Presbyterian Church (USA) congregations together to meet the basic needs of children showing them Christ’s love. In 2019, we hosted our 5th Hands of Christ distribution and were delighted to serve the 60,000th Hands of Christ shopper in our Fellowship Hall! Please consider volunteering next time during this meaningful and rewarding activity.

Please join us as we extend God’s reach beyond the walls of Second Presbyterian. Thank you for your support!



Source: /missions