Sunday morning worship at 10:30 a.m. in-person, following CDC guidelines, and live streamed here.
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SERMON SNAPSHOT: Sunday, February 13, 2022
Dear Friends in Christ –
The season of epiphany continues. I know that this time is often looked at as a ‘place holder’, just time to fill between the celebration of Christmas and the season of Lent. But you know that I look at all time as extraordinary. So, let’s expect continuing revelations in this time, too, a fresh or even striking awareness that will shake us up and out of our ennui, or our impatience for the return of that which no longer is – pre-Covid normalcy. What is it that we are to do? Let’s embrace the mandate Jesus gave and underscored, Love the Lord with all your heart and soul and might (the greatest and the first) and your neighbor as yourself (the second, like the first). Jesus says everything else hinges on these two.
Invite someone to join you here or for the live stream as we consider what it means to be devoted to our God who is devoted to us!
This Sunday is Souper Bowl Sunday!