Wise Guys

Sunday morning worship at 10:30 a.m.

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SERMON SNAPSHOT: Sunday, January 8, 2023

Dear Friends in Christ –

Happy New Year! 

We begin the year with competing narratives. There are two major events, motions, observances this first week into the new year -- the epiphany and the baptism of Jesus. The biblical narrative of these themes is rich: 1) Royalty from the orient have sojourned to visit the newborn king. Cosmic light has led them to the divine light; 2) The promised child has grown in stature and in favor and is now stepping into his vocation attentive to the prophets.

The passage from the prophet Isaiah chosen for Sunday shows God speaking into the pain of an exiled and vanquished people. God will send a servant who will bring justice, and not to Israel only but to all nations. Dramatic and powerful! We have seen that God calls prophets when the nights are long and the air is sour. Yet again and again we see and experience God’s redemption and God’s love.  

This Sunday we will look to the God of our salvation. We will frame Jesus’ care in light of these times. We will recognize the hope that is born in chaos and realized in the power of love.  

Join us in worship at 10:30. We’ll install Chris Olson as Elder and ordain/install Judy Olson as Deacon. Carols will be sung and God’s story told. Invite a friend – or someone whom you have a hard time loving!

Best love in Christ –


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Source: sermons