No Need to Wait for… Hope

Sunday morning worship at 10:30 a.m.

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SERMON SNAPSHOT: Sunday, December 3, 2023

Dear Friends in Christ –

“Advent asks us not to treat this time differently, but to live in time differently altogether.” – Karoline Lewis

Here’s the question as we begin this annual journey together: Is any amount of time long enough? Is there any behavior that we can change or strengthen that is sufficient to prepare us for God’s entering our lives, Jesus’ mission to reclaim and redeem what is his?

I get so annoyed when I allow myself to imagine Jesus has/had any other purpose than to love us and reveal to us the right life.

By the way, yep, there is a right life and it has nothing to do with portfolios and little to do achievement. It isn’t contingent on our productivity, nor dependent on vaccines. We commemorate the most important and significant event in the whole course of human history. God has come once and comes again with the same silence and the same devastating humility into any human heart ready to receive him.”

Friends, may we use this time with holy purpose to look beyond the prose and the poetry. May the first visit of our God be celebrated and God’s constant returning welcomed.



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Source: sermons