Third Sunday of Advent

Sunday morning worship at 10:30 a.m.

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SERMON SNAPSHOT: Sunday, December 15, 2024

Dear Friends in Jesus –

This is What You Do…

Scripture says that folk ‘from all over Judea’ came to hear John. They had heard what was going on in the desert, so they knew they weren’t going to a day spa. No, John had been going around preaching – and the word he preached was the word he had received from God, ‘Prepare the way of the Lord!’ They were summoned. Everyone from the hoi polloi to the holy were called. Maybe for some it was a lark, a chance to get away and goof on the guy who bailed on a cushy temple job for an assignment in the desert. Others might have been curious to find out what all this was about. And surely some longed for Messiah and wanted to be ready.

John wasn’t coy, if anything he was callous, but his purpose was clear. Something’s about to happen and if you want in, something has to change -- YOU!

See you in worship – invite a friend or someone you’d like to be.

In anticipation,


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Source: sermons