Mother's Day

Sunday morning worship at 10:30 a.m.

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SERMON SNAPSHOT: Sunday, May 12, 2024

Dear Friends in Jesus –

When I arrived here in Charleston to serve the Second Presbyterian Church there were a number of traditions in place, none more delightful than Seersucker Suit and Fancy Hat Sunday.

Always on Mother’s Day, we would take an offering for The Village Summerville, a Presbyterian retirement facility. We would have lunch on the portico and in the park. There would be prizes for hats that would be judged by fluid criteria. This following… church!

The lectionary text would be from the 17th chapter of John. I never really thought about how wonderfully this text on a day honoring mothers fit with Jesus’ long goodbye – farewell discourse that coached, tutored, taught his nearest conditioning them for their life to come.

This Sunday, Jesus speaks to us through scripture on this Mother’s Day, Seersucker/Fancy Hat Day, come-to-church, come-to-each-other, and come-to-Jesus day.  

See you in Church –


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Source: sermons