VBS Child Sign Up

Vacation Bible School

VBS at Second Presbyterian Church of Charleston

June 16th-19th, 2025

9:00-12:30PM (Monday through Thursday)

For children currently in 3K-5th Grades. Must have turned 3 on or before August 31st, 2024.


Sign up below to reserve a spot for your child/children.


VBS Registration

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School at Second Presbyterian Church of Charleston

June 24th-27th, 2024 | 9:00-12:30PM (Monday through Thursday)

For children currently in 3K-5th Grades. Must have turned 3 on or before August 31, 2023.

We're excited for VBS next week! Drop off and pick up will be inside the back gate, on the SPK side of the education building. VBS registration forms need to be filled out and returned to the church or brought to VBS drop-off on Monday morning. Extra forms will be available at the registration table on Monday.


Sign up below to reserve your child’s spot. For more information or if you would like to volunteer, please contact Ken Carrington, ce@2ndpc.org.


VBS Participant Registration

Vacation Bible School

VBS at Second Presbyterian Church with Greater St. Luke AME

June 13th-16th, 2022

9:00-12:30PM (Monday through Thursday)

For children currently in 3K-5th Grades. Must have turned 3 on or before August 31st, 2021.


Sign up below to reserve your child(ren)’s spot or download the full set of registration and release forms here. Paper forms are available at the church. Register to be a VBS volunteer here.


Vacation Bible School

I can hardly believe that it is time to start registering for Vacation Bible School. What an exciting time to be a part of Second Presbyterian! This idea of a community Vacation Bible School is something the Session and Christian Education Committee have dreamed and prayed about for a long time. This idea of inviting families on the east side of Charleston to be a part of our church family is exactly what God calls the church to be. God calls the church to reach outside of the comfort of our own walls and bring those in that might not otherwise have the opportunity to experience the grace and love of Jesus Christ. I am excited to partner with each of you to create this meaningful opportunity for our church family and our community.


Vacation Bible School is a ministry of the whole church and we need you! You will find volunteer job descriptions attached as well as volunteer and participant registration forms. There are ways to be hands off as well as ways to be behind the scene. If you are not able to participate as a volunteer during the week of VBS (June 24th-28th) I would invite you to take a peek at the “Amazon Wish List.” We are in need of all of these supplies and through your generous donations we will be able to cut costs. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out.
Looking forward to a wonderful VBS this summer at Second!

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