A chili cook-off hosted by the deacons will be held in the Fellowship Hall on February 2, 2025 after 10:30 a.m. worship.
SIGN UP for the Chili Cook-Off! Attendees will sample and vote for their favorite recipe.
CALL FOR DONATIONS! Please bring dessert and non-perishable donations the first Sunday of each month. Food and toiletry donations are needed for our neighbors at The Canterbury House living on a fixed income in the non-profit senior living community. Baked goods that can be divvied up will be included with Meals on Mondays, an outreach program that delivers meals to folks on Wadmalaw Island.
Homemade or store-bought desserts
Non-perishable food
Toiletry items
Donations for Meals on Mondays and The Canterbury House are collected in the narthex on the first Sunday of each month.
Our children and youth will help raise funds on Super Bowl Sunday, Feb. 9th to support our ongoing 4th Sunday Suppers with the Navigation Center. For over 30 years, the Souper Bowl of Caring movement has been empowering youth and inspiring people across the nation to tackle hunger in their local communities.
We are serving breakfast for the men at Star Gospel Mission before church on the third Sunday of each month. Please contact Sally McDuffie or the church office to volunteer.
The Second Edition Book Club meets monthly, generally the second Sunday at 2:00 p.m. at Peggy Pinckney’s home on James Island.
A weekly group for young professionals and adults focused on practical theology and being Christian in the world today led by Jordyn Pritchard.
This community small group meets monthly, generally on a Tuesday at 6:00 p.m., to discuss LGBTQ+ issues in an affirming Christian context in order to foster a safer, more inclusive world for all God’s people.
Contact Jordyn for more information.
The Present Word curriculum offers a study of scripture in order to discover its deeper meaning and how it is relevant to our world today led by Peter Rupert in the yellow classroom, 103 from 9:30-10:15 a.m. The lessons of this quarter are a study of worship practices offered as a grateful response to the covenantal relationship God initiates, first with Abraham, and later with the people of Israel. The patterns of worship reflect the gamut of community life, from praising God’s goodness and mercy to calling on God for help in times of crisis.
Women of all ages are invited to meet monthly on third Mondays beginning Sept. 16 at 6:00 p.m. at Robbie Staubes’ home in Mount Pleasant. The Let Justice Roll Down: God’s Call to Care for Neighbors and All Creation study runs September through May. We will get together to consider how scripture reminds us that we are called to speak out to urge our society to act for just transitions in this fast-changing world. We are called to care for neighbors and God’s creation with all our hearts, with particular care for society’s least powerful members who are disproportionately impacted by unjust systems.
This monthly Bible study starts with supper at 6:30 p.m. followed by a Bible study entitled “Enduring the Night” at 7 p.m. led by Pastor James White of New Life Church in Spartanburg.
Next dates to be announced. Contact Felicia Sanders for more information.
The Charleston Gospel Choir and Second have partnered to honor the hymnody and creative expressions of faith offered through this meaningful music tradition with Gospel Sundays during the 10:30 a.m. service, usually on the fourth Sunday of the month.
Come show Christ’s love by meeting the basic needs of people in our community by servinxg dinner. A BBQ meal will be served alongside The Navigation Center in the church Fellowship Hall the fourth Sunday of each month from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Contact Elizabeth or Tim Killen.
Thank you for all the donations to support folks in western North Carolina after Hurricane Helene! So many people helped to contribute items and organize logistics to this effort. Recovery will be a long effort for many communities and we will continue to monitor needs of those in Swannanoa in the weeks and months to come.
Church nursery is available at the end of the kindergarten hall each Sunday at 10:00 a.m. staffed by our wonderful nursery workers and member volunteers. Children over 2 y.o. are invited into worship until the children’s sermon, after which preschool and elementary children are invited to Children’s Chapel with Mr. Ken, then to play on the playground. All children will be at the end of the kindergarten hall for pick up after church.
Contact Ken, ce@2ndpc.org for more information.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) is the refugee and disaster response program of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). You can respond to the devastation of both local disasters and those abroad with your prayers and by donating directly through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. Give, Act, Pray.
Find out what PC(USA) is doing and how to help with current crises.
Medical Mission for the 21st Century
The Medical Benevolence Foundation began in the 20th century with missionary doctors and has transformed into work strengthening local leaders who oversee mission hospitals, clinics and nursing schools in the 21st century.
Second Presbyterian Church has supported MBF for over 50 years. Their work continues to help leaders who want better medical care for their communities and a more sustainable future for their medical ministries.
The Tywanza Sanders Legacy Foundation was created to honor Tywanza, son of Second Presbyterian member Felicia Sanders, who was one of the victims of the massacre at Emanuel AME Church next door. The foundation is on a mission to give youth opportunities to pursue their education and entrepreneurial dreams.
Find more information and ways to donate through their website.
TAG SALE POSTPONED until the spring. Please keep gathering items for when the time comes. If you do not have space to store them, please reach out to Dawn McCready and she will help find a place!
Sonia and Steve Dettweiler have been working in Nigeria for many years, and have been supported by Second Presbyterian in recent years.
Read their summer update HERE.
Setting up automatic giving is quick and easy- and allows you to give in the future with just a click or text!
Our online giving system, Realm offers easy ways to financially support our ministries. Whether you want to set up a recurring gift or split your donation among different funds, Realm makes it safe and secure to give online. We hope you take advantage of this convenience.
Text the number 81010 with the message '@2pcchurch' to sign up for church text messages so that you are made aware of pertinent announcements and church-related news.
Text ‘@2pckids‘ to 81010 to get connected with the online children’s ministry if you have preschool or elementary age kids. Please contact the church office if you need help signing up.
Young Professionals Groups, Young Families Get-Togethers, Women’s Circle Bible Study, 2nd Presbyterian Men’s Society, Children's Chapel, Sunday Night Youth Group, Second Edition Book Club, Pride Community Group, “Seconds Please” Tea Room, Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, Vacation Bible School, Community Thanksgiving, Food Drives, “Souper Bowl” Youth Sunday, Advent Workshop, Trunk or Treat, Christmas Pageant, Blessing of the Backpacks, Second Sunday Lunches
1st Wednesday Men’s Luncheon at St. Philips, Charleston Gospel Choir, Community Worship Service at Thanksgiving, Community Worship Service on Maundy Thursday, MUSC Camp Communication, Hands of Christ, Pride Parade, Sisters in Serenity, The Shaw Center, Charleston Illumination Project, Sophia Institute's Social Justice Racial Equity Collaborative, Beth Heyward Missions, Bible Foundation Shipping, Loving America Street, Laundry Matters, Coastal Crisis Chaplaincy, Colin McKay Grant Home, Coward-Bolivia Service, One80 Place, Feeding of the Multitude, Florence Crittenton Home, G.O.A.L., Habitat for Humanity, Heifer International, Help for Haiti, Kai Dutton Fund, LEAP, Medical Benevolence – Congo, Medical Missions, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, Presbyterian Communities of SC, Presbyterian Student Association, Rural Mission, Star Gospel Mission, Thornwell Home, Tywanza Sanders Legacy Foundation, Water Mission, Spoleto Festival, Piccolo Spoleto, Piccolo Spotlight Concert Series, Spoleto Craft Festival, Sea Island Hunger Awareness Foundation, Journey, Backs Against the Wall: The Howard Thurman Story, Charleston Academy of Music, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, Walk for Water, Habitat for Humanity