Supporting One Another

SERMON SNAPSHOT: Sunday, March 8, 2020

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Dear Friends in Christ – 

Brad Gustafson is a pal from Princeton. He grew up in rural Nebraska in a tight knit religious Swedish community. He and I encountered each other as we, both, answered the call to ordained ministry having been fortified and shaped by lifetimes in preparation.

Brad, I’ve found out, married a Charleston woman who, as many, has found her way home. 

So after pastoring two congregations Brad and Sally are lowcountry denizens – ready for what’s next. 

Brad has written an articulate, winsome book of remembrance. It’s called The Gift of Belonging. It chronicles his boyhood. It’s a timely book for us as we seek to be the people of God. 

There are 52 vignettes. The lead line for one is “Truth be told, all of humanity is connected by the wound of being human.

It’s in our connectedness we find strength and joy and purpose. Through our wounds we share each other’s pain and distress. Through our common calling we find our purpose. This week we ‘build it up!’

Logan Brown is baptized. Second Sunday lunch previews St Patrick’s Day (without the green beer).

We continue our quest to be the people of God.

See you in worship!


3-8-20 "Supporting One Another" - Rev. Cress Darwin
Hebrews 3:13
Source: sermons